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CLIMATE SCIENCE50-51 Dr David GrimesPresident, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)Working together to progress climate science52-53 Dr Hoesung LeeChairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)SDGs and climate change WATER SECURITY54-57 Professor Benedito BragaPresident, World Water Council (WWC)Our water, our climate and the decisions we makeSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs)58-59 Achim SteinerAdministrator, UN Development Programme (UNDP)A green economy: an engine for the SDGs 60-65 Dr Jeremy HillChief Science and Technology Officer, Fonterra Co-operative GroupCarolyn MortlandDirector, Social Responsibility, Fonterra Co-operative GroupManaging climate change and producing quality nutritionAGRICULTURE 66-67 Christoph StaeubleCEO, ZaluvidaWhy I am not at the COP this yearSUSTAINABLE PALM OIL68-69 Indonesian Palm Oil AssociationMoving forward sustainable palm oil RESOURCE EFFICIENCY70-73 Angel GurrÃaSecretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Sustainable green growth: the imperative of resource efficiency THE NEW ECONOMY 009