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74-77 Lucie CharbonnelEMEA Marketing Leader for Industrials and Recycling, DuPontSarah PerreardGlobal Packaging Sustainability Value Chain Leader, DuPontDr Karl-Heinz HausmannR&D Fellow, DuPontWidening the circleGLOBAL VOICES78-81 Marga HoekFounder, Business for GoodThe trillion dollar shiftFINANCE AND INVESTMENT82-83 Jim Yong Kim, PresidentThe World Bank GroupNew challenges and solutions for the world’s sustainable development84-85 Jane Stevensen (interview)Engagement Director to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, CDP The emergence of a global standardTRADE 86-87 Roberto AzevêdoDirector-General, World Trade Organization (WTO)Trade and climate changeSUSTAINABLE BUSINESS88-89 Catherine DecarieSenior Vice-President, Corporate Affairs, Export Development Canada (EDC)Contributing to climate action through export credit90-93 Jukka Uosukainen Director, UNFCCC Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)Enabling climate action with technology transfer94-95 Melissa McCann Thomsen Communication Manager, Phoenix Design Aid A/S The Foundation for Talented Youth is a continued success7496010 THE NEW ECONOMY