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o safeguard the future of the cocoa sector, Ferrero is committed to supporting and improving cocoa-farming sustainability, through the implementation of the Ferrero Farming Values Cocoa Programme. Ferrero is aware that to reach a sustainable cocoa supply chain the protection of both human rights and the environment is an essential requirement. The programme’s approach is based on three key pillars: Certification, Institutional Engagement and Project Partnerships. One of Ferrero’s key commitments towards building a sustainable agricultural supply chain is to source 100 per cent certified cocoa beans by the end of 2020.To help achieve the 2020 sourcing goal, Ferrero collaborates with nonprofit and farmer organizations to address agricultural, social, environmental and business issues in cocoa farming. Ferrero also supports ongoing local projects to ensure sustainable cocoa production, whilst improving cocoa farmers’ living conditions and the well-being of their communities. Following are some examples of these on-the-ground projects.ALDO CRISTIANO, DIRECTOR OF GLOBAL PROCUREMENT RAW MATERIALS AND HEAD OF SUSTAINABILITY, FERREROFERRERO ENGAGEMENT ON COCOA SUPPLY CHAIN“FERRERO BELIEVES THAT GLOBAL CHALLENGES SUCH AS DEFORESTATION NEED COLLECTIVE COMMITMENTS ”TFerrero has a ‘zero tolerance approach’ towards child labour and is committed to protecting children’s rights all along its supply chain, as stated in its Code of Business Conduct. The common interest in children’s rights has led Ferrero to a launch of a successful partnership with Save the Children.The project commenced in July 2016 and aims to provide protection and education to children who are at risk of child labour on the Ivorian cocoa farms, where 1.2 million children are still forced to work in hazardous conditions, sometimes pushed to leave school or not even allowed to have access to education.Thanks to the vast experience of Save the Children, Ferrero’s strong commitment and the constant cooperation of Local Authorities (Ministry of Family, Woman and Child, Ministry of Education), it was possible to develop the project in three main directions:026 ITALIAN BUSINESS SHOWCASE