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As Italy is preparing to welcome the participants of the 2017 G7 Summit in Taormina, Sicily, Gian Luca Galletti, the Italian Environment Minister, outlines the key environmental goals of the Italian G7 Presidency.The meeting of the G7 Environment in Bologna will be a great opportunity to discuss the next environmental targets since the Paris Agreement has entered into force: green policies for employment, sustainable development, resource efficiency, green finance, marine litter and other topics.In Bologna, on June 11-12, we would like to draw a road map of resource efficiency to be able to plan for long-term measures. We would also like to promote voluntary commitments to improve sustainability, by using resources suitably. The efficiency in the use of resources is one of the cornerstones of the shift from a linear to a circular economy, essential to fulfil the Paris Agreement. If we act together, we will achieve great results. In Italy, we are now working on three important Strategies: National Energy Strategy, Sustainable Development and Adaptation to climate change. These documents will mark our country’s environmental and economic plan for the coming decades.I think it is a positive step that at the recent G7 However, energy meeting in Rome, Italy and Europe reaffirmed their commitments made in Paris. Without the USA, it would be impossible to have an effective policy against global warming. At the G7 Summit in Taormina, in May, and at the G7 Environment Ministers’ Meeting in Bologna, in June, we will see the US President Donald Trump’s will to be the leader of change in the economic model towards sustainability. I believe President Trump will understand the importance of the decision taken by all the countries in December 2015 in Paris.ABOUT THE AUTHORGian Luca Galletti has been the Italian Minister of the Environment since February 2014 (previously in Matteo Renzi’s, now in Paolo Gentiloni’s Government). He was the Undersecretary of State for Education, University and Research between May 2013 and February 2014. Among Mr Galletti’s previous roles are: Vice-president of the 5th Commission (Budget, Treasury and Planning) from November 2009 to October 2010; member of a number of Parliamentary Commissions such as the Legislation Committee (2006-2008), the Special Commission for the Examination of Bills Conversion Law decrees (2006), the Commission for the Legislation Simplification (2006-2008) and the 6th Commission, Finance (2006-2008 and 2010-2013).Mr Galletti holds a degree in Economics from his home town University of Bologna. ■GIAN LUCA GALLETTI, MINISTER OF THE ENVIRONMENT, ITALYWELCOME012 WELCOME