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Over the coming years, net zero buildings will help individual countries to achieve their INDCs and to deliver on the Paris Agreement. Net zero buildings are technically feasible now, and Green Building Councils are working to develop them at greater scale though district-level or city-wide approaches. Innovative developments in energy efficiency technologies from companies such as the glass-maker Saint-Gobain or lighting manufacturer Philips will further impact the ease by which we can achieve net zero.Through Advancing Net Zero, the World Green Building Council will be publishing its first report on net zero buildings at COP22 in Morocco, which will set out in more detail current market progress, the trajectories that are required in order to meet our 2050 targets and the role that Green Building Councils can play, both in terms of certification and laying the groundwork for government regulation. We are at the start of a long road, but the appetite for net zero building is growing. Together with the expertise of our Green Building Councils and our partners we believe we can make net zero the new normal. ■ABOUT THE AUTHORTerri Wills is CEO of the World Green Building Council. Above: Terri WillsMain: Seattle’s Bullitt Center in the USA is a flagship net zero buildingPhoto Credit: Nic Lehoux for the Bullitt CenterGREEN BUILDING 117